Receiving the Taytanchis rites, the creator rites from the Quero Shaman at Sacsayhuaman, Peru


The last living descendants of the Inca, the Q’ero worship Pachamama (the earth) and los Apus (the mountains).

During an intensive eight-year shamanic initiation with the Q’ero lineage, Jessica carefully mapped her emotional landscape. The artist travelled many paths - some challenging, some easy – and discovered places of heartfelt wonder.

Shamanism allowed Jessica to embrace her gifts which she calls the 'Art of Self-Reflection: Peace Medicine', a creative process that cultivates inner peace and outer beauty.

Today, the Q’ero ‘Path of Beauty’ defines Jessica’s way of life. The artist has learned to appreciate beauty, to follow its lead, and to witness its rhythm in all things. Jessica believes creativity is inherent to being human and is a divine expression of our individuality.

Now Jessica is ready to share her ‘Peace Medicine’ philosophy with the world. To embark on a great adventure with the artist and shaman, consider one of the offerings below.

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic healing is a transformative journey that connects us with the deepest parts of ourselves. Shamanic techniques reveal unseen realms of existence and establish harmony with nature, spirit, and our essence.

In a one-to-one session, Jessica will guide you into past experiences to address present challenges. This deep healing work can often lead to transformative results, with some clients finding resolution after just one session, while others opt for a more in-depth journey. Each client's needs are unique, and Jessica is adept at responding to the individual.

Shamanic healing moves from; Illumination, fluid and solid energy extraction, soul retrieval, communicating with ones who have passed, Transition Rites to Energy transmission’s that have been passed on from the Qero Shaman of Peru.

Jessica is a trauma informed body and energy worker she trained in Shamanism with Chris Waters at Spirit of the Inca and is now on the team where she teaches and mentors. She is a qualified TRE (trauma release exercise) provider and trained with Steve Haines whom she assisted on the teaching program.

The exchange for a Shamanic Healing session £100

Get in touch here


Ceremonies transport us from the everyday into the magical world of the mythic. The communal happenings commemorate times of change, such as starting a new job, moving to a new home or getting married. Ceremonies offer a way to let go of the past, embrace new possibilities, and foster a sense of connection.

Ceremonies include:

Fire Ceremony

A fire ceremony occupies the heart of the Q’ero teachings. In this ritual, we come together to build a fire, sing the fire song, and create a sacred space. The ceremony centres around the release of old stories which are rapidly transformed by the fire. We draw strength from the fire and gain new perspectives in the process.


A despacho is traditionally performed as a living prayer of gratitude. The festivity involves creating a bundle of combustible ingredients on the land or paper. This practice is commonly used by shamans in Peru and is a powerful way to restore balance (ayni) and connect with the natural world.

Making a despacho is a spiritual expression of wonder, beauty and innocence.

The exchange for Ceremonies is dependent on the nature of the event.

Get in touch here

Mini Medicine Wheel

The Medicine Wheel is a journey of initiation and transformation, passed down from the Q’ero shaman of Peru. After vigorous training with Spirit of the Inca, Jessica has created a Mini Medicine Wheel, centred around the creation of a Mesa - a collection of 13 stones held in a sacred cloth.

During the course, each sacred stone transforms our wounds and reveals our true essence, gifts and potential. The Mesa serves as a personal altar, providing a space for peace, beauty and self-mastery.

Jessica’s inaugural Mini Medicine Wheel begins in April 2025 and spans 10 months, with three residential days held four times a year.

The exchange for the Mini Medicine Wheel (including teaching and full board) is £2571.20

Get in touch here

This is my Mesa which holds 13 stones, my medicine stones

My Mesa which holds 13 stones that represent my personal healing work around the Medicine Wheel

My Mesa at Sillustani and the Sun Temple, Peru

Space Clearing

Space clearing is shamanic healing for buildings. Like bodies, buildings absorb and hold energy, which is felt when entering a space. If a home is disturbed, we can experience distressing and disconcerting feelings.

A space clearing restores harmony to our homes, workspaces and land. The process can take up to a day to complete, depending on the size of the building.

The exchange for Space Clearing is tailored to the space.

To start your healing journey with Jessica, please get in touch here

In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: when did you stop dancing? when did you stop singing? when did you stop being enchanted by stories? when did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence
— Gabrielle Roth
Tell me, what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life
— Mary Oliver

Jessica is a Shamanic practitioner and offers Energy healing Sessions in person and over the phone. Get in touch here.

Get in touch

Instagram: @jessicamallock
